Why logo design

Why logo Design? 

The logo, in many cases, is a symbol, not always literally as an icon or emblem but as a symbol as it symbolises the brand that represents. Along with the brand's name are what create the first impression of a company. And for a fact, we know that first impressions are crucial as they determine, in most matters, the further relationship development.

The logo helps us differentiate one business, product, or service from another. It gives information about the brand, whether it is the name or specific feature that a company what to introduce. It can present a particular group the business belongs to or support and generally contains information that is presented metaphorically to implement certain emotions and visual connections in the customer's mind. 

Visual identity - logo

A visual identity is a collection of elements representing and communicating who the brand is - expressing its entire visual appearance by making it tangible, almost personifying it. This includes colours, typography, images, illustrations, and other design elements that present the brand. Undoubtedly, one of the most discussed and exciting topics in visual identity is the logo. As the visual identity helps to create a unique, recognisable, and outstanding representation of a company, the logo makes it memorable. It works as a graphic symbol that combines many of the brand's association topics and is a concentration of the whole branding. A well-designed logo should reflect the business's values and the desired message sent to customers. Let's take Amazon, for example. 

Amozon's logo is so well done it is easy to guess what the brand stands for. Also, it contains a metaphor with visuals and meaning. That makes it even more memorable because it causes the audience to think, which is one of the ways how we remember things. Neuroscience calls this process ''plasticity'' - the ability of the brain to strengthen or weaken synapses (brain neuron connections). Therefore, if a visual element makes us think, it substantially impacts our memory.
The logo allows us even to imagine its meaning. So, for example, it may be explained as -Amason is a large online store with an endless variety of choices as the river is with life. The brand gives a platform to many businesses - the river provides a home to many life forms. As a visual metaphor, the arrow reminds of a smile, which makes its appearance more positive and related to customer satisfaction. Connecting ''A'' and ''Z'' might be rephrased to - you can find every product you need. Amazon is an excellent example of a strong brand with a great logo combination of name and graphic elements.

Why is logo design expensive?

Designing a logo, like any other customised product, is expensive. The same applies to handmade suits, musical instruments and any products produced by professionals who have spent years crafting their skills.

First and foremost, creating a logo is not simply slapping a few shapes and letters together. A good logo requires a thoughtful and intentional design process, which can take significant time and skill to execute correctly. Sometimes the research process, understanding the industry trends and specifics, can take a long. The logo is critical in any business appearance. That's why it needs to be taken very seriously and designed with strategy in mind. Another factor to consider is the scope of the project. A logo that will be used for a small, local business may require less time or effort than a logo for a large corporation with a global presence.

In many cases, the logo represents the brand within its current perimeters but must be designed to allow its expansion or any other change that may occur later. It needs to follow the industry trends and keep its consistency in possible changes in the industry fashion. Before designing the logo, it must be considered what part of the business it will represent and where and how it will be used. Will it be used only digitally, or if printed on what kind of media, surfaces and sizes.

Furthermore, the cost of a logo may also include licensing fees for any fonts or graphics used in the design, as well as the cost of any software or tools needed to create the logo.

Some brands even leave unutilised space on their product to highlight their logo better(especially in the professional musical equipment industry). The logo placed on extensive negative areas reminds of a blank canvas with an artist's signature allowing a person to appretiate it better.

There are products that can only be distinguished based on their logos, like laptops, phones or other tech gadgets whose features are in their software or operating systems, so they don't possess other visual differences but rather the brand's logo. 

For this and many other reasons, merchandise is essential for many businesses. It creates brand awareness, but the most exciting part is people who wear the brand features become brand advocates exposing trustworthiness towards it. 

In most cases of merchandise, the brand logo is the focus. In that matter, a brand can gain income only by reselling materials with its logo print. That is one of the reasons logo designs are so expensive and why some designers sell copyrights to their artworks separately, which significantly increases their cost.

The funny fact is, buying a t-shirt and sending it to a print shop to print your favourite logo will be less costly than buying from your favourite brand's online shop. Yes, going through two very different services and purchasing the same type of t-shirt with the same logo cost less. But that is because the logo becomes a part of brand equity. And from that point, every product with it has a totally different value. 

All the mentioned factors combined can result in a higher cost for logo design services. However, it's important to remember that the logo is an investment that will effectively represent a business and its brand. In the end, you must decide how much your business costs and what logo will present it.

Can a logo be copyrighted?

The logo can be copyrighted, and it is an important step for businesses and organisations to protect their brand identity. Copyrighting a logo gives the owner exclusive rights to use and reproduce the design. It helps to prevent others from using a similar design that could cause confusion in the marketplace.

The process of copyrighting a logo is as follows:

  1. Conduct a search: Before applying for a copyright, it's essential to conduct a thorough search to ensure that your logo design is unique and does not infringe on any existing copyrights. This can be done by using the Copyright Office's database or by hiring a professional search firm.
  2. Create a high-quality version of the logo: Your logo should be in a high-resolution format, such as vector or Adobe Illustrator, to ensure that it can be used in various applications.
  3. Fill out the copyright application: The next step is to fill out the official copyright application, which can be done online through the Copyright Office's website of the specific country or continent. The application requires information about the owner of the logo, the date it was created, and a description of the logo.
  4. Pay the fee: There is a fee to register a logo with the Copyright Office, which can vary depending on the type of registration and the number of logos being registered.
  5. Submit the required materials: Along with the completed application, you must submit a copy of the logo in a high-resolution format and a written description of the design.
  6. Wait for the review process: The Copyright Office will review your application, and if everything is in order, they will grant the copyright. This process can take several months, and the Copyright Office will send you a certificate of registration once it's approved.

In conclusion, copyrighting a logo is an important step in protecting your brand identity and ensuring that your design is exclusively yours. The process is straightforward, but it can take several months, so it's best to start the process as soon as possible.

Links to copyright departments:

The UK, EU, US, AU

In conclusion, a logo is an essential element of any business's branding and can significantly impact its success. A well-designed logo can communicate a business's values and personality, create a strong first impression with potential customers, and build brand recognition and loyalty over time. While the cost of professional logo design services may seem expensive at first, it's important to remember that a logo is a long-term investment in a business's success. By working with a professional designer to create a high-quality logo that accurately represents a business and its brand, businesses can set themselves up for success and stand out in a crowded marketplace. So if you're starting a business or looking to refresh your brand, investing in a professional logo design is a wise choice that can pay off in the long run.

Stay true to your brand

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